Weekly Blog Posts
CategoryWeek 20: Judges 1-8 and Psalms 134 – 140
“Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence: If I ascend to heaven, you are there! If I take the [...]
Weeks 18 and 19: Joshua and Psalms 120 – 133
Good gracious! Do we have a lot of ground to cover since I was unable to write a blog last week? In fact, we have made it all the [...]
Week 17: Deuteronomy 27 – 34 and Psalms 113 – 119
As we have come to the end of the Pentateuch, read Moses’ final remarks and wrapped the week up with Psalm 119, my heart is swollen [...]
Week 16: Deuteronomy 14:3 – 26 and Psalms 106 – 112
A reoccurring theme in this week’s passages from Deuteronomy could be summed up in this way…
When you come to the land that the LORD [...]
Week 15: Deuteronomy 2 – 14:2 and Psalms 99 – 105
“Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and [...]
Week 14: Numbers 30 – Deuteronomy 1 and Psalms 92 – 98
Well, we made it through Numbers! A gripping title?…Not so much! Full of inspired instruction for our hearts?…Absolutely! In fact, [...]
Week 13: Numbers 16 – 29 and Psalms 85 -91
One of the glories of God’s Word being alive and active is the way different passages interact with each other to draw out one common [...]
Week 12: Numbers 5 – 15 and Psalms 78 – 84
This last week, my husband taught me how to split firewood. This is not a skill that I had to learn growing up, so the idea of [...]
Week 11: Leviticus 24:10 – Numbers 4 and Psalms 71 – 77
As I write this week, I am mindful of the uniquely challenging time in our world’s history we find ourselves in. As COVID-19 [...]
Week 10: Leviticus 11 – Leviticus 24:9 and Psalms 64 – 70
Back in my early 20’s, I had the unique and enriching opportunity to live in a community of Messianic believers in Christ (Yeshua). [...]