Weekly Blog Posts
CategoryWeek 9: Leviticus 1 – 10 and Psalms 57 – 63
As we make our way into Leviticus, I want to first acknowledge that you are not alone if these passages feel very foreign or archaic [...]
Week 8: Exodus 34 – 40 and Psalms 50 – 56
At first glance, Exodus 35-40 can seem a bit redundant. These chapters mirror chapters 25-31 with a detailed account of the building [...]
Week 7: Exodus 21 – 33 and Psalms 43 – 49
As we make our way through God’s commands for all things moral, civil, and ceremonial, we land in His very specific instructions for [...]
Week 6: Exodus 10 – Exodus 20 and Psalms 36 – 42
We’ve got to take a moment to talk about Psalm 37. I cannot read this Psalm without remembering the first time the Lord lovingly [...]
Week 5: Genesis 49 – Exodus 9 and Psalms 29 – 35
It just so happens that as we are reading through this portion of Exodus, the children’s ministry at my church is also learning about [...]
Week 4: Genesis 36-48 and Psalms 22-28
The story of Joseph has to be one of the most nicely packaged and beautifully portrayed stories in all of Scripture. It is [...]
Week 3: Genesis 24 -35 and Psalms 15-21
Walking towards Canaan to his brother Esau after 20 years, Jacob must have rehearsed the forthcoming scene in his mind a million [...]
Week 2: Genesis 13-23 and Psalms 8-14
I am enthralled with these chapters about Abraham and imagining the landscape that served as the backdrop to these stories. I had the [...]
Week 1: Genesis 1-12 and Psalms 1-7
While I could fill pages with all of the exciting things written in Genesis 1-12, it is Psalm 4 that has captured my heart for this [...]