Week 10: Leviticus 11 – Leviticus 24:9 and Psalms 64 – 70

Back in my early 20’s, I had the unique and enriching opportunity to live in a community of Messianic believers in Christ (Yeshua).  Prior to my time there, I understood very little about the Old Testament, and in particular, the first 5 books (the Pentateuch or Torah).   I had the privilege of sitting under weekly Torah portion teachings and began learning how to recognize Jesus in all of Scripture.  Not only that, but we participated in the 7 annual feasts as described in Leviticus 23. I was so deeply inspired by the beauty of the Biblical traditions and the way that they pointed to all that Jesus has accomplished and will accomplish in the future.

Reading through Leviticus has taken my memory back to those 3 years when I was immersed in Jewish tradition.  One of my favorite parts about celebrating the 7 feasts throughout the year was the pattern of rich remembrance and contemplation.  God commanded His people to rest from all their work on those days, to truly take time to re-orient with God’s purposes and their identity as His redeemed people.

I remember being a kid and thinking it was so unfair that the Jewish kids in my class got to have so many days off of school to celebrate their religious holidays when the rest of us only got Christmas and Easter!  Once I had the privilege of gaining some insight into the 7 feasts and their significance, I understood that they were so much more than just a ticket to miss school!  They were given as a gift to God’s people, to continuously draw their attention back to Him and His faithfulness to them as His treasured possession.

If the Biblical feasts and their fulfillment in Christ are as foreign to you as they were to me before my immersive experience with them, I hope you will find the link below helpful.  I encourage you to take a moment to read through the brief description of each of the 7 feasts and how Jesus has already fulfilled their intended purposes (the Spring Feasts) or will fulfill their intended purposes (the Fall Feasts).  Please enjoy!!


Also, click here for a great video by BibleProject.com that covers the book of Leviticus as a whole.  You can also find the link to this and other videos by BibleProject.com on the “Additional Articles and Links” tab.

Blessings to you this week as you continue trekking on our worthwhile journey through the Bible!